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Friday, May 4, 2012

Aggressive Communication

Constructive trait of aggressive communication is defined as being assertive and augmentative.  Destructive communication is considered being hostile or verbally abusive.  A positive trait when working in a business setting is being assertive, especially if one is trying to move up the corporate ladder.  Playing sports or being a leader in an organization is also believed to be constructive traits for aggressive communication. Furthermore, to be augmentative is deemed to be positive if one is a lawyer or on member of a debate team hypothetically speaking.  However, if you take this behavior into another setting such as at home or with close friends, you may receive a more negative response.

There is never a reason to be hostile or verbally aggressive, but in today’s society, we praise this type of aggression in such professions such as professional fighters, rappers, and even wrestlers. Is it because we consider this a type of behavior entertainment?  In most cases this might be true; however, there are some people who use destructive communication to hurt others daily.  A person's position at work or in the home should never be a reason to abuse or use aggression with others. Learning to respect each other even when one does not agree is the only way positive communication can continue and relationships can build.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Comany values vs your values.

One of the biggest problems with conduct at the workplace centers around employee training.  One can ask questions such as, what are the company’s values; beliefs and expectations are great starting points for any new employee.  If the company has standards set in place for their employees, more than likely ethical behavior and conduct is prevalent in the work place. Furthermore, policies and rules need to be implemented to decrease a hostile work environment, as well as keep order, harmony, and professionalism.

Ethical conduct must be top priority at every organization.  Furthermore, companies should have their own ethical standards to compare when looking for employment. Like with every business relationship, one must make sure values coincide with company values.